Marblelous on TV

9 Dec 2021

Marblelous on TV

Blogpost by Stephan van Lumig

Stephan van Lümig is the founder and co-founder of a few companies in the entertainment space, 43 years young, entrepreneur since 2007. He lives in the south of the Netherlands, is very tech-savvy, and has a passion for almost everything that has something to do with technical stuff: electronics, mechanics and software.

Subtitle translation from the image above: “I need everything here for testing, prototypes, 3D Prints…”

Today Marblelous was on TV. A while ago BNNVARA (Dutch television, broadcasting association) visited me to do some video recordings for the program “Typisch Eijsden”. I was allowed to show a small part of Marblelous and what things other than Marblelous keep me busy in my makerspace/workshops. Today the broadcast was on TV.

Marblelous on TV
Subtitle translation: “Just the little restroom, the toilet, is actually still free of marblelous”

Marblelous on TV
Subtitle translation: “Full of 3D Printers and High-Tech Devices”

Marblelous on TV
Marblelous on TV – subtitle translation: “in the evening at 10 o’clock, I will call it a day”

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